Frequently asked questions.

What are your cleaning rates?

The best way to determine the cost of Cassandra’s Cleaning Company cleaning your home is through a free in-home consultation. If that is not possible, you can email us a description of your home and areas requiring cleaning. Though the estimate won’t be fully accurate, it should give you an approximate idea of the costs, which we can confirm upon our arrival. Every home is different, and we must take into account variables like clutter, pets, and lifestyle, which can all impact your price.

What if I’m not satisfied with my cleaning service?

At Cassandra's Cleaning Company, your satisfaction is our top priority. If for any reason you're not completely satisfied with our cleaning service, please reach out to us promptly. We stand by our commitment to excellence and will take immediate steps to address your concerns and make things right within 24 hours.

Is Cassandra’s Cleaning Company insured?

Yes, Cassandra’s Cleaning Company is fully insured and bonded. With us, you can rest assured that your property is in safe hands. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing top-notch cleaning services while maintaining the highest standards of safety and reliability. Upon request, we can provide insurance.

Do you use eco-friendly cleaning products?

Yes, Cassandra’s Cleaning Company uses eco-friendly and green-certified cleaning products to complete the job in the most efficient, thorough and professional way possible. We provide high levels of cleaning and sanitation that are completely fit for the task at hand. Rest assured these products are both safe and effective for any home surface standing in the way of our team.

How regularly do you clean homes?

Essentially, it all comes down to you. Cassandra’s Cleaning Company can clean your home at a frequency that best suits your lifestyle, including weekly, biweekly, 4-weekly, or just one time. We can customize your schedule upon request.

I would like to purchase a gift card. How can I do that?

We are happy to provide a Gift Card of any denomination for you, simply email

I would like to work for Cassandra’s Cleaning Company. How do I apply?

We are always looking for motivated individuals. Please apply through our Join Our Team page.